
Drawdown Calculator

Find the expected drawdown of a trading system with our drawdown calculator

Drawdown Calculator

Find the expected drawdown of a trading system with our drawdown calculator

Let’s do the math

How does the drawdown calculator work?

Drawdown refers to the most significant decrease from the highest point to the lowest point, measured either in percentage or monetary terms.

For instance, if an investment experiences a 50% drawdown, it indicates that it underwent a loss equivalent to half of its initial value, whether this loss was realized or not.

Please input the starting balance, the number of consecutive losses, and the loss per trade (as a percentage) to estimate the anticipated drawdown.

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Drawdown Calculator FAQs

The Fx-k calculator helps traders measure the peak-to-trough decline during a specific trading period, indicating the extent of loss experienced in a portfolio or strategy. Traders can now monitor drawdowns in real-time.
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Yes, the Fx-k calculator plays a crucial role in risk management by allowing traders to assess the potential downside of their investments and adjust strategies accordingly to mitigate losses.
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Absolutely. With its intuitive interface and straightforward inputs, the calculator is suitable for both novice and experienced investors, making financial planning accessible to all.
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