Economic calendar

Fundamental analysis

Stay in the loop about financial events and economic indicators and make smart trading decisions with confidence

Fundamental analysis

Stay in the loop about financial events and economic indicators and make smart trading decisions with confidence

Make informed trading decisions

How to use the economic calendar

Learn the fundamentals

An economic calendar is a tool that provides information about important economic events, indicators, and announcements that can potentially impact financial markets. Traders and investors use economic calendars to stay informed about key events that may influence the prices of currencies, stocks, commodities, and other financial instruments.

Understand Impact Levels

Economic events are often classified by impact levels such as low, medium, and high. High-impact events are more likely to cause significant market volatility. Pay close attention to high-impact events, as they can have a substantial influence on market prices.

Follow Key Indicators

Focus on key economic indicators that are relevant to the financial instruments you are trading. For example, if you are trading currencies, pay attention to indicators like GDP growth, employment data, and interest rate decisions.

Incorporate Economic Calendar in Your Strategy

After the release of economic data, analyze the market reaction. Consider how the actual data compares to the forecasted and prior values, and observe how different financial instruments are responding. Integrate the information from the economic calendar into your overall trading or investment strategy. Understand how economic events fit into the broader market context and adjust your positions accordingly.

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